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Heather H. Bennett is a partner at the strategic C-Suite advisory firm, Newport LLC, marketing strategist, board director, executive advisor and personal brand expert that lives and works in Chicago, Illinois.
Drawing from over 20 years of experience in brand marketing, research & development and personal branding, Heather brings a unique spin to understanding how a personal brand can impact business and personal goals.
Her social media strategy expertise has been used by professionals and entrepreneurs in areas as diversified as financial wealth management and law to non-profit and professional speaking, education and consumer products to technology and start-ups.
Heather's book, Fun and Fulfilling Careers One Question at at Time can be found on Amazon in paperback, hardcover and eBook. To read the bestseller that reached #1 Job Hunting and #1 Careers as well as #2 Entrepreneurship and #2 Business Development, visit the book page on The companion workbook can be found at Heather's author page.
Files for the use of media, interviews and speaking engagements.
Thinking about a new job or career?
Read the Amazon bestseller
#1 Job Hunting #1 Careers #2 Entrepreneurship #2 Business Development
Get the book career experts have called
"a game changer"
Fun and FulFilling Careers
One Question at a Time
A step-by-step guide to prepare for your next job or your new business!